Principle Investigator
Assistant Professor, Department of Cognitive Robotics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, TU Delft
Email: Office: 34.F-1-400, 3ME
Postdoctoral Researcher
Li Zou
Postdoctoral Researcher
Ph.D. Students
Lukas Stracovsky
Affiliated Ph.D. student
(main supervisor is Michael Wiertlewski)
Umut Kenanoglu
Ph.D. Student
Koen Wosten
Incoming Ph.D. student
M.Sc. Thesis Students
Katharina-Ines Janisch
MSc. Aerospace Engineering student
Thesis (affiliated), co-supervised with Daan Pool
Rogier Ketwaru
MSc. Robotics
Thesis, co-supervised with Andres Hunt (PME, TU Delft), Johannes Luijten (Senseglove), and Gokhan Serhat (KU Leuven)
Funded by Senseglove
Quinn Begelinger
MSc. Robotics
Dave Hogendoorn
MSc. in Robotics
The Netherlands
Andres Hunt - Delft University of Technology
Daan Pool - Delft University of Technology
David Abbink - Delft University of Technology
Laura Marchal-Crespo - Delft University of Technology
Michaël Wiertlewski - Delft University of Technology
Amir Reza Aghakhani - Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Katherine J. Kuchenbecker - Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
M. Paola Forte - Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Hasti Seifi - University of Copenhagen
Cara Nunez - Stanford University
Hamed Shahsavan - University of Waterloo
Ben Richardson - Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Bernard Javot - Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
David Gueorguiev - Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (Currently, CNRS and Sorbonne University, France)
Gokhan Serhat - Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (Currently, KU Leuven, Belgium)
Saekwang Nam - Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Tamara Fiedler - Technical University of Munich (Currently, BSH Home Appliance Group, Germany)
Eckehard Steinbach - Technical University of Munich
Matti Strese - Technical University of Munich
Aykut Isleyen - Koç University (Currently, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Burak Güçlü - Bogaziçi University
Cagatay Basdogan - Koc University
Milad Jamalzadeh - Koç University (Currently, University of Lille, France)
Senem Ezgi Emgin - Koç University (Currently, Apple Inc., USA)
South Korea
Christian Wallraven - Korea University
Partners & Users
Houman Yarmand (Research fellow at UNSW, New Zealand)
Rebecca Fenton Friesen (Tenure track assistant professor at Texas A&M University, USA)
Research Engineer:
Haewon Jeong (Ph.D. student in EPFL, Switzerland)
Bence Kodak (Engineer at Skytree, The Netherlands)
MSc. Students (Thesis):
Dies Vuik (Junior Data Scientist at Lely, The Netherlands)
Ruben Martin Rodriguez (Ph.D. student at the University of Basel, Switzerland)
Lucas Overbeek (Software engineer at Technolution, The Netherlands)
Abhishek Kumar Kejriwal (Process control engineer at Van Oord, The Netherlands)
Bram van Riessen (Computer vision/AI developer at QING, The Netherlands)
Bence Levente Kodak (Engineer at Skytree, The Netherlands)
Luka Peters (Junior Engineer at NS Trains, The Netherlands)
Valerie de Vlam (Associate at SparkOptimus, The Netherlands)
MSc. Students (Literature Review or Internship):
Erkin Ozgur
Haye Boonstra
Alperen Kenan (Ph.D. student at Briston Robotics Laboratory, UK)
Coco Langens (Analyst energy operations, Eneco, The Netherlands)
Ratnangshu Das (Ph.D. student at IISc Bengalore, India)
Yves Onnink (Advisor, Nexur Rail Engineering, The Netherlands)
BSc. Students (Thesis):
Dennis Verstraten (MSc. student at TU Delft)
Koen Linnekamp (MSc. student at TU Delft)
Matthias Vink (MSc. student at TU Delft)
Pim Klaassen (MSc. student at TU Delft)
BSc. Students (Internship):
Ismail Cakmak (BSc. student at Sabanci University, Turkiye)
Beril Bildirici (BSc. student at Sabanci University, Turkiye)
Ece Yucer (Data scientist at Yapi Kredi, Turkiye)